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Support us in our efforts to develop a publication within this area of study, as it needs a home dedicated to the field, that focuses and critically explores the wider interdisciplinary and comparative themes, and offers additional options with regards to publishing.


Thus, it is the right time to open up more avenues in the field and provide more publishing opportunities so that the diverse and multi-faceted aspect of this area of study gets a stronger voice than a quiet whisper and the occasional mention. We ask that you consider the options below and fill out the form. If you need further information please email us.



We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with organisations that share our goals, and that offer knowledge (bibliographies, photographs, research etc.), access to their subscribers, contacts, and networking opportunities. Besides logo placement on the journal, you will also receive a printed copy of the journal (more copies if the journal is printed by your organization or an external collaborator), as well as an invitation to our online events.



If you would like to sponsor the journal on a single or ongoing basis, we are happy to consider your proposal. Your sponsorship could cover printing costs, launching an event, advertising, and marketing the journal. You will receive a few copies of the journal (or as many as you wish, provided your sponsorship covers the cost of printing), logo placement in the journal and on its webpages, as well as advertorial opportunities in print, and online.



Partnerships that are mutually beneficial will also be considered. Our partnership with an art gallery, museum, etc., can provide us with source images, etc., while giving you the chance to advertise in the journal. We are also open to partnerships on a single or ongoing basis for our annual symposium. It can be achieved by offering logo placement and event advertising to mutually brand the event.


We would also be interested in one-off partnering through hybrid events (if you can facilitate the technology and space to accommodate our events, which usually take place online). In exchange we will be happy to promote your organisation in the journal and advertise a few of your events on our website.



If you are interested in exploring potential opportunities, please get in touch with us.

Carnival Band

Any or all commission will be used for future events and web hosting.

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